Our Products and Services


We specialize in the development of inks, paints, and functional fluids, catering to unique applications. Leveraging our extensive supplier network, we offer customized solutions that precisely align with your specific requirements.


We understand that not everything you need is readily available in the market. And not everything that is available performs as it should. Our expertise in developing and testing stationery items and other complex assemblies ensures, that what you require is not only accessible but also performs flawlessly.


We can help to improve your products and are ready to assist in troubleshooting of any kind. Often, it starts with raw materials selection and sourcing of the suitable grades. For purchasers, we search for alternative raw materials and suppliers, making your supply chain safer. We also cover technical aspects of your production.

Product analysis and reverse engineering

It is not always is possible to be the first man on the moon. If opportunities arise in the market, it is key to be fast and not to miss out. By our combined analytical, testing & developmental capabilities together with excellent supplier relations, we can reduce your time-to-market and secure your spot in the store.

ISO Write Test Paper

We supply ISO write-test paper trough our swiss subsidiary Aurora Trading Sarl

For testing ball point pens

ISO 14145 and ISO 27668 WRITE TEST PAPER
For testing rollerball and gel pens